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How to recognize Depression In the New Age


By: Trinity Martin

For most people, reminiscing about our childhood brings back memories of laughter, innocence, and the weightlessness of having no worries in the world. Then, as we got older things changed, life became more stressful and we no longer felt weightless. At some point, it felt as if the weight of the world was on our shoulders and we were thrust into a world of pressures we do not know how to ease.

When we remember our childhoods looking through rose-colored glasses, it is tragically overlooked that children feel this burden too but their minds may not be developed enough to process it. Just like adults they can fall into bouts of depression.

Depression is a mental health illness that is diagnosed by a medical professional. It can affect anyone at any age, with children as young as five years old experiencing the illness. That being said, it’s important to note that it often presents itself differently in children and teens.

These are things that will help you recognize depression in kids and teens:

  • Outbursts of anger and/ or irritability

  • Changes in eating and/ or sleeping habits

  • Loss of interest in activities

  • Behavior changes at school

  • Physical pain

  • Feelings of hopelessness and sadness

  • Acting out

These symptoms when looked at in kids and teens are commonly seen as acts of defiance or rebellion. They need to be taken as serious concerns so the proper course of action and treatment can be determined for a healthy recovery.

Key Words: illness , mind/ brain, diagnosis, treatment, recovery, mental health

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