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Social Media and Healthcare



Instagram is a very popular platform among the younger generations. It is also an easy way to catch a larger range of people through the discover page feature. Instagram has the option to make your account a business account to increase the company/group's network. On the account, there is space to provide a brief biography, URL link, and each post is given the option to add a location as well. One of the important parts of making a social media account for a medical blog is making sure that the "bio" has information regarding the content you are putting out. The post we made was an advertisement for our site and emphasized our core purpose and the type of content we promote. Instagram is a great way to advise the public about health updates and disease/health awareness in a more eye-catching and creative manner.


Twitter is one the biggest social media platform predominantly used for updating the public with daily happenings. According to Twitter, the mission of their company is “to give everyone the power to create and share ideas and information instantly without barriers.” This is exactly what makes Twitter an advantage for medical professionals to share information and content about public health. The profile is the best place to check the credibility of the user. It provides space for a profile picture, background picture, brief biography, location, and URL. This allows readers to get to know and learn more from who they are reading information from. On Twitter, we used it to advertise our blog posts with a brief description to get readers hooked, we tweeted random facts about depression and anxiety, and we tweeted reminders about mental health awareness. I believe twitter overall is the best choice when it comes to social media and healthcare. It allows professionals or non-professionals to share awareness, start conversations, and create new ideas.


The process of coming up with a Tumblr post was a lot more difficult than we had predicted it would be. Creating the account was a fairly simple process. Unlike most of the other social media platforms, listing a location was not possible, and neither was adding a "bio" – leaving only the username to identify our page. On our page, we decided to combine the ideas of our topics into one post. We went with a “one size fits all” mentality often used when discussing mental health and mental illness. The post is self-explanatory with the photograph of the pants and a scattered brain. On the post, we also added a short message about reaching out for help for those struggling with mental illness and added phone numbers of the crisis helplines.

In conclusion, all these social media platforms Instagramhave their pros and cons. However, from our research, we think Instrgram works best with our targeted audience. Since our content is more related to mental health with a twist of serial killers – Instagram allows a way to visualize our thoughts to the public. Twitter comes in second – it is another great way to advertise our blog posts and interact with the public. It allows "threads" to build on tweets to form a conversation. Lastly, Tumblr comes in third – despite it having the same "blog style" of posting, the platform is outdated and not as popular today.

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