By: Nahiyan Islam
Our brain is a vast garden of endless information but quite fragile at the same time. One of the deadliest types of cancer is brain cancer and the best approach is early action and diagnosis. Over time, research on its treatment has been rising with a higher rate of success. But nothing is certain at the end of the day and although cured, several have had permanent effects from it as well. But it doesn't necessarily have to start at the brain; it can originate from other parts of our body that are not affected as much by cancer and spread to vital sensitive organs such as our brain or lungs. There are a number of known ways of minimizing the chances of contracting certain forms of this deadly disease. Most of them have to do with our lifestyle choices and can be easily neglected in our daily routine. This article will break down five avoidable factors that can lead to cancer.
This can cause long-lasting changes within the body like inflammation and abnormal levels of hormones, leading to tumor formation. It's really important to stay healthy and a good way to do this is to maintain a balanced diet and be physically active on a daily basis.
Overexposure to Sun
This largely contributes to skin cancer. UV radiation can cause early aging of the skin and damage it. Children are more sensitive to this, but it can be easily countered by using sunscreen whether it's under the sunlight or near other sources of UV radiation such as tanning beds.
Alcohol & Smoking
This can damage cells in not just our lungs and kidney, but also build oral cavities. Both separately can contribute to cancer but both together, are an even deadlier and common source of cancer.
Polluted Environment
Air pollution, both inside and outside, is the single biggest factor for lung cancer. Substances in the air especially near work environments become polluted with cancer-causing substances and damage our organs, when inhaled. This is why it's essential to keep our environment clean no matter what activities we are doing.
Unprotected Sex
Some people continue on with their daily lives as normal even when their partners have cancer and probably going through different types of radiation therapy. This should be completely avoided as their bodily fluids have all sorts of changes and radiation, causing cancer in the healthy partner. So it's necessary to use barrier devices such as condoms or dental dams, to avoid any complications.
These factors are only the top contributors amongst many others, there are also factors that are unavoidable such as genetics and aging, which is why things can be highly uncertain when it comes to cancer. But with anything, the best course of action is to take early action. The earlier the symptoms are noticed and reported, the better the chances are for a successful recovery.
Keywords: diagnosis, cancer, brain/mind, recovery, tumor